• 26 Video Lectures

    3 Hrs 45 Mins

  • Reading Time

    12 Mins

  • Assessments

    19 mini-quizzes

  • Estimated Duration

    4 Hours

    Circuit Breaker Facilitator Training

    Your first step in preparing to deliver the Circuit Breaker Program. This training will give you a solid grounding in the nature and dynamics of domestic abuse, then teach you proven tools and strategies for deep and positive engagement with people who are heading down an abusive pathway. 

    What's included?

    5 Learning Sections

    26 Engaging

    "Quick Quiz" Assessments

    Plain English for
    Ordinary People

    Practical & Transferrable Tools & Strategies

    Smart Device


    Matt is the author of Changing Tools and the Circuit Breaker course. A former counsellor, specializing in anger-management and domestic violence, he was an ambassador for White Ribbon Australia and the Joint Churches DV Prevention Project. Currently, Matt is a domestic violence trainer and speaker, focused on empowering ordinary people to understand, respond to and prevent domestic violence in their communities and workplaces.

    Course Overview